Risorse bibliografiche > Catalogo della Biblioteca >

Lista delle riviste straniere spogliate integralmente

Riviste di storia delle scienza

Ambix (Cambridge, 1937-- )
Annals of medical history (New York, 1917-1942)
Annals of science (London, 1936-- )
Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin (Wiesbaden, 1907-1928)
Archive for history of exact sciences (Berlin, 1960-- )
The British journal for the history of science (London, 1962-- )
Bulletin of the history of medicine (Baltimore, 1939-- )
Centaurus (Vaduz, 1950-- )
Chymia (Philadelphia, 1948-1967)
Clio medica (Oxford, 1966-1988)
Gesnerus (Aarau, 1943-- )
Historia mathematica (New York, 1974-- )
Historical studies in the physical sciences (Princeton, 1969-1985)
Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences (Berkeley, 1986-- )
History of science (Cambridge, 1962-- )
History of technology (London, 1976-- )
Isis (Brussels, 1913-- )
Janus (Leyde, 1896-1990)
Journal for the history of astronomy (Cambridge, 1970-- )
Journal of the history of biology (Cambridge, Mass., 1968-- )
Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences (New York, 1946-- )
Medical history (London, 1957-- )
Osiris (Brugis, 1936-- )
Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications (Paris, 1947-1972)
Revue d'histoire des sciences (Paris, 1971-- )
Studies in history and philosophy of science (London, 1970-1994)
Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics (London, 1995-- )
Studies in history of biology (Baltimore, 1977-1984)
Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin (Leipzig, 1929-1933)
Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften (Leipzig, 1934-1965)
Sudhoffs Archiv, Vierteljahrsschrift für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften der Pharmacie und der Mathematik (Wiesbaden, 1966-- )
Technology and culture (Millwood, 1959-- )
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften (Frankfurt, 1984-- )


Riviste scientifiche

Archiv für die Physiologie (Halle, 1795-1815)
The Dublin quarterly journal of science (Dublin, 1861-1866)
The Edinburgh journal of science (Edinburgh, 1824-1832)
The Edinburgh philosophical journal (Edinburgh, 1819-1826)
Essays and observations, physical and literary ( Edinburgh , 1754-1771)
The journal of entomology, descriptive and geographical (London, 1860-1866)
Memoires de mathematique et de physique (Paris, 1750-1786)
Transactions of the Linnean society (London, 1791-1875)
The transactions of the Linnean society of London (London, 1939-1955)
The transactions of the Linnean society of London . Botany (London, 1880-1922)
The transactions of the Linnean society of London . Zoology (London, 1879-1936)
Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London (London, 1844-1852)
Zoological journal (London, 1825-1835)

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