Overview Level of Folio 126 r

SizeHeight 297 mm, width 200 mm.
WatermarkTwo watermarks. Crown, form 1. Thin crossbow. Drake's identification: Watermark type C12. Drake's description: Mountains 18 X 18mm. Date of earliest letter with this watermark is August 1607.
CommentsThe folio is part of a larger sheet of paper combining the folios 126 and 127 . Written by Galileo; contains drawings, text. Relation to the Discorsi: elaboration of 2/11-th-11.
References Wisan 1974 196-197, 230, 232, 249-250; Caverni 1972 366
Folio 126 r (final text)
1Sit fg orizon, et ex sublimi a fiat motus per abf, et protracta ab usque ad d, sit media inter da, ab ipsa ac, et orizonti aequidistans sit ce. Dico, tempus per ab ad tempus per bf esse ut ab ad be. Nam tempus per ab ad tempus per bd est ut ab ad bc: tempus vero per bd post ab ad tempus per bf post ab est ut bd ad bf, idest bc ad be: ergo, ex aequali, tempus per ab ad tempus per bf est ut ab ad be.

Overview Level of Folio 126 r