Discorsi Propositions
Discorsi Proposition

Hinc apparet, quod conversim, in proiecto ex termino d per semiparabolam db minor impetus requiritur, quam per quamcunque aliam iuxta elevationem maiorem seu minorem elevatione semiparabolae bd, quae est iuxta tangentem ad, angulum semirectum supra horizonte continentem.(Condition Oblique-project-sym) Conversely it is evident that less momentum will be required to send a projectile from the terminal point d along the parabola bd than along any other parabola having an elevation greater or less than that of the parabola bd, for which the tangent at d makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal.
Quod cum ita sit, constat quod, si cum eodem impetu fiant proiectiones ex termino d iuxta diversas elevationes, maxima proiectio, seu amplitudo semiparabolae sive integrae parabolae, erit quae consequitur ad elevationem anguli semirecti; reliquae vero iuxta maiores sive minores angulos factae, minores erunt.From which it follows that if projectiles are fired from the terminal point d, all having the same speed, but each having a different elevation, the maximum range, i. e., amplitude of the semi-parabola or of the entire parabola, will be obtained when the elevation is 45°: the other shots, fired at angles greater or less will have a shorter range.

Discorsi Propositions
Discorsi Proposition